Joystick Magazine 1995 July & August
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Assembly Source File
415 lines
Page 58,132
Title CARTRIGE.ASM Cartridge Routines
; Name: CARTRIGE.ASM Cartridge Routines
; Group: Emulator
; Revision: 1.00
; Date: January 30, 1988
; Author: Randy W. Spurlock
; Module Functional Description:
; This module contains all the code for the Apple
; cartridge.
; Changes:
; -------- -------- -------------------------------------------------------
; 1/30/88 1.00 Original
; Public Declarations
Public Cart_ID ; Cartridge ID string
Public Cart_Init ; Cartridge initialization routine
Public Cart_Ctrl ; Cartridge control routine
Public Cart_Rd ; Cartridge read routine
Public Cart_Wrt ; Cartridge write routine
Public Cart_Mem_Rd ; Cartridge memory read routine
Public Cart_Mem_Wrt ; Cartridge memory write routine
Public Cart_Exp_Rd ; Cartridge expansion read routine
Public Cart_Exp_Wrt ; Cartridge expansion write routine
Public Cart_Data ; Cartridge data segment pointers
; External Declarations
Extrn Slot_Address:Near ; Get expansion slot address (DEVICE)
Extrn Error:Near ; Apple emulator error routine (APPLE)
Extrn Exit:Near ; Apple emulator exit routine (APPLE)
Extrn ERR_NO_MEMORY:Abs ; Not enough memory error code (DATA)
; LOCAL Equates
CART_SIZE Equ 0805h ; Cartridge memory size (32K)
CART_MAX Equ 8000h ; Maximum cartridge size (32k Bytes)
AREA_MAX Equ 0400h ; Maximum area size (2k/1k Bytes/Words)
AREA_START Equ 0C800h ; Area starting address
AREA_SHIFT Equ 03h ; Area shift count value
CTRL_INIT equ 0FFh ; Cartridge control initialization
CONTROL_MASK Equ 0Fh ; Cartridge control bits mask
ASCII_CONVERT Equ 30h ; ASCII conversion value (Slot)
; Define any include files needed
Include Macros.inc ; Include the macro definitions
Include Equates.inc ; Include the equate definitions
Include StrucS.inc ; Include the structure definitions
.286c ; Include 80286 instructions
; Define the emulator code segment
Emulate Segment Word Public 'EMULATE' ; Emulator code segment
Assume cs:Emulate, ds:Nothing, es:Nothing
Subttl Cart_Init Cartridge Initialization
Page +
; Cart_Init(RAM_Space, Slot_Number)
; Try to allocate memory for the cartridge area
; If errors allocating memory
; Set error code to not enough memory
; Call the error routine
; Call routine to exit the emulator
; Endif
; Save address of cartridge data area
; Initialize the cartridge control byte
; Try to open the cartridge file
; If no errors opening cartridge file
; Try to read the cartridge image
; Endif for opening cartridge file
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AX - Slot number (0 - 7)
; DS - 65C02 RAM space
; Registers on Exit:
; AX-DX - Destroyed
; SI-DI - Destroyed
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Cart_Init Proc Near ; Cartridge initialization procedure
mov di,ax ; Get the language card slot number
shl di,1 ; Convert slot number to table index
mov ah,ALLOCATE_MEMORY ; Get the allocate memory function code
mov bx,CART_SIZE ; Get number of paragraphs to allocate
int DOS ; Try to allocate cartridge space
jnc Cart_Setup ; Jump if no errors allocating space
mov al,ERR_NO_MEMORY ; Get not enough memory error code
call Error ; Call routine to print the error
call Exit ; Call routine to exit the emulator
Save ds,es ; Save the DS and ES register values
mov ds,ax ; Setup cartridge segment address
mov cs:[di + Cart_Data],ax ; Save cartridge segment address
mov ds:[Cart_Byte],CTRL_INIT; Initialize the cartridge control byte
mov ax,ds ; Get the cartridge segment
mov es,ax ; Set ES to cartridge segment
mov ax,cs ; Get current CS register value
mov ds,ax ; Set DS to current CS register value
mov dx,di ; Get the cartridge slot index
shr dx,1 ; Convert slot index to slot number
add dl,ASCII_CONVERT ; Convert slot to ASCII
lea si,cs:[Base_File] ; Get pointer to base file name
mov di,Cart_File ; Get pointer to cartridge file name
mov cx,Size Cart_Name ; Get length of the base file name
rep movsb ; Setup base file name for drive A
mov es:[Cart_File.Cart_Slot],dl
mov ax,es ; Get cartridge segment value
mov ds,ax ; Set DS to cartridge segment
mov ah,OPEN_FILE ; Get the open file function code
mov al,READ_ONLY ; Get read only file access code
mov dx,Cart_File ; Get pointer to file name
int DOS ; Try to open cartridge file
jc Cart_Exit ; Jump if errors opening the file
mov bx,ax ; Move file handle to BX register
mov ah,READ_FILE ; Get read file function code
mov dx,Cart_Image ; Setup the buffer address
mov cx,CART_MAX ; Get maximum cartridge size (32k)
int DOS ; Try to read the cartridge image
mov ah,CLOSE_FILE ; Get close file function code
int DOS ; Close the disk ROM file
Restore ds,es ; Restore the DS and ES register values
ret ; Return to the caller
Cart_Init Endp ; End of the Cart_Init procedure
Subttl Cart_Ctrl Cartridge Control
Page +
; Cart_Ctrl(RAM_Space, Slot_Number)
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AX - Slot number (0 - 7)
; DS - 65C02 RAM space
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Cart_Ctrl Proc Near ; Cartridge card control procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Cart_Ctrl Endp ; End of the Cart_Ctrl procedure
Subttl Cart_Rd Cartridge Read
Page +
; Cart_Rd(Effective_Address, Slot_Index)
; Save the required registers
; Setup the cartridge data segment
; Get the cartridge control bits (From effective address)
; Get the current control bits value
; Update the control bits value
; Call the cartridge update routine
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; BP - Slot index (Slot number * 2)
; DS:DI - 65C02 Effective address
; Registers on Exit:
; AL - Memory value
; AH - Destroyed
; BP - Destroyed
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Cart_Rd Proc Near ; Cartridge read procedure
Save es ; Save the required registers
mov es,cs:[bp + Cart_Data] ; Setup the cartridge data segment
mov ax,di ; Get the effective address
and ax,CONTROL_MASK ; Mask off all but the control bits
mov ah,es:[Cart_Byte] ; Get the current control bit values
mov es:[Cart_Byte],al ; Update the control bits value
call Cart_Update ; Call the cartridge update routine
Restore es ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Cart_Rd Endp ; End of the Cart_Rd procedure
Subttl Cart_Wrt Cartridge Write
Page +
; Cart_Wrt(Effective_Address, Slot_Index, Memory_Value)
; Save the required registers
; Setup the cartridge data segment
; Get the cartridge control bits (From effective address)
; Get the current control bits value
; Update the control bits value
; Call the cartridge update routine
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AL - Memory value
; BP - Slot index (Slot number * 2)
; DS:DI - 65C02 Effective address
; Registers on Exit:
; BP - Destroyed
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Cart_Wrt Proc Near ; Cartridge write procedure
Save ax,es ; Save the required registers
mov es,cs:[bp + Cart_Data] ; Setup the cartridge data segment
mov ax,di ; Get the effective address
and ax,CONTROL_MASK ; Mask off all but the control bits
mov ah,es:[Cart_Byte] ; Get the current control bit values
mov es:[Cart_Byte],al ; Update the control bits value
call Cart_Update ; Call the cartridge update routine
Restore ax,es ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Cart_Wrt Endp ; End of the Cart_Wrt procedure
Subttl Cart_Mem_Rd Cartridge Memory Read
Page +
; Cart_Mem_Rd(Effective_Address)
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; DS:DI - 65C02 Effective address
; Registers on Exit:
; AL - Memory value
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Cart_Mem_Rd Proc Near ; Cartridge memory read procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Cart_Mem_Rd Endp ; End of the Cart_Mem_Rd procedure
Subttl Cart_Mem_Wrt Cartridge Memory Write
Page +
; Cart_Mem_Wrt(Effective_Address)
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AL - Memory value
; DS:DI - 65C02 Effective address
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Cart_Mem_Wrt Proc Near ; Cartridge memory write procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Cart_Mem_Wrt Endp ; End of the Cart_Mem_Wrt procedure
Subttl Cart_Exp_Rd Cartridge Expansion Read
Page +
; Cart_Exp_Rd(Effective_Address)
; Read the memory location value (Byte)
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; DS:DI - 65C02 Effective address
; Registers on Exit:
; AL - Memory value
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Cart_Exp_Rd Proc Near ; Cartridge expansion read procedure
mov al,ds:[di] ; Read the memory location
ret ; Return to the caller
Cart_Exp_Rd Endp ; End of the Cart_Exp_Rd procedure
Subttl Cart_Exp_Wrt Cartridge Expansion Write
Page +
; Cart_Exp_Wrt(Effective_Address)
; Return to the caller (Cartridge is NOT writable)
; Registers on Entry:
; AL - Memory value
; DS:DI - 65C02 Effective address
; Registers on Exit:
; None
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Cart_Exp_Wrt Proc Near ; Cartridge expansion write procedure
ret ; Return to the caller
Cart_Exp_Wrt Endp ; End of the Cart_Exp_Wrt procedure
Subttl Cart_Update Cartridge Update Routine
Page +
; Cart_Update(Old_Control, New_Control, RAM_Space, Cart_Segment)
; Save the required registers
; If control bits have changed
; Get the size of area to update
; Compute the source address
; Setup destination to area
; Update the memory area from cartridge
; Endif for control bits
; Restore the required registers
; Return to the caller
; Registers on Entry:
; AH - Old control bits
; AL - New control bits
; DS - 65C02 RAM space
; ES - Cartridge segment
; Registers on Exit:
; AX-BX - Destroyed
Even ; Force procedure to even address
Cart_Update Proc Near ; Cartridge update procedure
Save cx,si,di,ds,es ; Save the required registers
cmp al,ah ; Check for control bits change
je Update_Done ; Jump if control bits identical
mov cx,AREA_MAX ; Get area maximum size (Words)
mov ah,al ; Get the new control bit settings
xor al,al ; Convert control bits to full word
shl ax,AREA_SHIFT ; Shift control bits into position
mov si,ax ; Setup the source index value
add si,Cart_Image ; Compute the actual source index
mov ax,ds ; Get the 65C02 RAM space segment
mov di,es ; Get the cartridge segment value
mov ds,di ; Setup DS to the cartridge segment
mov es,ax ; Setup ES to the 65C02 RAM space
mov di,AREA_START ; Setup destination to the area
rep movsw ; Move correct section into the area
Restore cx,si,di,ds,es ; Restore the required registers
ret ; Return to the caller
Cart_Update Endp ; End of the Cart_Update procedure
; Define the cartridge data areas
Cart_Data Equ This Word ; Define the cartridge pointers
Slot_Data <> ; Pointers to the cartridge data areas
Base_File Cart_Name <> ; Define base cartridge file name
Cart_ID Equ This Byte ; Cartridge ID string
Db "Cartridge",0
; Define the end of the Emulator Code Segment
Emulate Ends
End ; End of the Cartrige module